Call for Abstract

World Congress on Wireless Technology, will be organized around the theme “Connecting People to Connecting Global”

Wireless Tech 2019 is comprised of 18 tracks and 64 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Wireless Tech 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Artificial Intelligence is a field of study of computer science based on the premise that intelligent thought can be regarded as a form of computation one that can be formalized and ultimately mechanized. AI algorithms can tackle learning, perception, problem-solving, language-understanding and/or logical reasoning. In the modern world, AI can be used in many ways even when it is to control robots. Sensors, actuators and non-AI programming are parts of a larger robotic system.

  • Track 1-1automates repetitive learning and discovery through data,adds intelligence,adapts through progressive learning algorithms,achieves incredible accuracy,gets the most out of data
  • Track 1-2Significant demonstrations in machine learning
  • Track 1-3Cybernetics and brain simulation

Wireless is a term used to describe telecommunications in which electromagnetic waves (rather than some form of wire) carry the signal over part or the entire electrical communication path. Some monitoring devices, such as intrusion alarms, employ acoustic waves at frequencies above the range of human hearing; these are also sometimes classified as wireless. IEEE conferences will feature a comprehensive technical program offering numerous technical sessions with papers showcasing the latest technologies, applications and services.

The wireless method of telecommunication uses low-powered radio waves to transmit data between devices. High powered transmission sources usually require government licenses to broadcast on a specific wavelength. This platform has historically carried voice and has grown into a large industry, carrying many thousands of broadcasts around the world. Radio waves are now increasingly being used by unregulated computer users.

  • Track 2-1Product Development ,Predictive Maintenance ,Customer Experience,Fraud and Compliance,Drive Innovation,Machine Learning

Satellite Communication use has turned out to be across the board and pervasive all through the nation for such differing applications like Television, DTH Broadcasting, DSNG and VSAT to misuse the exceptional capacities as far as scope and effort. The innovation has developed considerably finished recent decades and is being utilized on business reason for an extensive number of uses. A large portion of us are touched by satellite correspondence in more routes than we understand. A correspondences satellite is a manufactured satellite that transfers and opens up radio broadcast communications signals by means of a transponder; it makes a correspondence station between a source transmitter and a recipient at various areas on Earth.

  • Track 3-1 Communications satellite basics,Communications Satellite technology,Satellite phone systems,Iridium,Speedy deployment,Provides coverage over the globe
  • Track 3-2Frequency Allocation for satellite systems
  • Track 3-3Mode of Mechanism
  • Track 3-4Radio Astronomy

wireless network is computer network that uses wireless data connections for connecting network nodes. A wireless local-area network (LAN) uses radio waves to connect devices such as laptops to the Internet and to your business network and its applications. When you connect a laptop to a WiFi hotspot at a cafe, hotel, airport lounge, or other public place, you're connecting to that business's wireless network.

A wireless network enables people to communicate and access applications and information without wires. This provides freedom of movement and the ability to extend applications to different parts of a building, city, or nearly anywhere in the world. Wireless networks allow people to interact with e-mail or browse the Internet from a location that they prefer. A mobile network operator is a provider of services wireless communications that owns or controls all the elements necessary to sell and deliver services to an end user including radio spectrum allocation, wireless network infrastructure, back haul infrastructure, billing, customer care, provisioning computer systems and marketing and repair organizations

  • Track 4-1Wireless Network Elements
  • Track 4-2Cell signal encoding
  • Track 4-3Broadcast messages and paging
  • Track 4-4Cellular handover in mobile phone networks

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, wireless sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. The term is closely identified with RFID as the method of communication, although it also may include other sensor technologies, wireless technologies or QR codes.

The wireless method of electrical communication uses low-powered radio waves to transmit data between devices. High powered transmission sources usually require government licenses to broadcast on a specific wavelength. This platform has historically carried voice and has grown into a large industry, carrying many thousands of broadcasts around the world. Radio waves are now increasingly being used by unregulated computer users.

  • Track 5-1Trends and characteristics
  • Track 5-2Network architecture
  • Track 5-3Long-range wireless
  • Track 5-4Privacy and security concerns

Today, wired connections are slowly being replaced by different latest, emerging wireless technologies. Emergence of new wireless technologies has helped to bring out many new ideas and applications to the society. In this era, we all are expecting different solutions in the wireless field which helps to explode out many new types of wireless technology. 

Wireless Communication or technology is just a latest technical term given to describe telecommunication where the EM (electromagnetic) waves carry signal over communication path. Now let’s explore knowledge on to the latest, emerging wireless technologies. IEEE conferences shall provide a new forum for the world-class researchers to gather and share their research achievements, ideas and progress that is required to solve the future challenges that the Information Communication field face.

  • Track 6-1Mobile Station (MS)
  • Track 6-2Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)
  • Track 6-3Base Transceiver Station (BTS)
  • Track 6-4Multiple Access Techniques

Telecommunications is any means of electronic data transfer using electromagnetic means, most commonly radio waves. The data transferred is often in the form of digital information, which includes voice transmission. Telecommunications can also include analog signals, though these are being phased out in many industries. Telecommunication is also usually thought of as being two-way, with both sides having receiving and transmission capabilities. Communication Conference will feature a comprehensive technical program offering numerous technical sessions with papers showcasing the latest technologies, and services.

  • Track 7-1Basic elements
  • Track 7-2Telecommunication networks
  • Track 7-3Communication channels and Modulations
  • Track 7-4Transmission capacity

Today, wired connections are slowly being replaced by different latest, emerging wireless technologies. Emergence of new wireless technologies has helped to bring out many new ideas and applications to the society. In this era, we all are expecting different solutions in the wireless field which helps to explode out many new types of wireless technology. Wireless technology is just a latest technical term given to describe telecommunication where the EM (electromagnetic) waves carry signal over communication path. Now let’s explore knowledge on to the latest, emerging wireless technologies.

This topic discusses "mobile" wireless technologies that provide voice and wireless communication services to mobile users who use cell phones, PDAs, Internet terminals, and related computing devices. Refer to "Wireless Communications" for a list of related wireless topics.

  • Track 8-1Photophone
  • Track 8-2Electricity based wireless
  • Track 8-3Data communications
  • Track 8-4Categories of implementations, devices and standards

3G, short form of third generation, is the third generation of mobile telecommunications technology. This is based on a set of standards used for mobile devices and mobile telecommunications use services and networks that comply with the International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 specifications by the International Telecommunication Union. 3G finds application in wireless voice telephony, mobile Internet access, fixed wireless Internet access, video calls and mobile TV.

3G telecommunication networks support services that provide an information transfer rate of at least 200 Kbit/s. Later 3G releases often denoted 3.5G and 3.75G also provide mobile broadband access of several Mbit/s to smartphones and mobile modems in laptop computers.

4G, short for fourth generation, is fourth generation of mobile telecommunication technology, succeeding 3G. A 4G system must provide capabilities defined by ITU in IMT Advanced. Potential and current applications include amended mobile web access, IP telephony, gaming services, high-definition mobile TV, video conferencing, 3D television, and cloud computing.

  • Track 9-1Technical understandings
  • Track 9-2Beyond 4G research

The Space Communications and Navigation program puts the three prime space interchanges systems, Space Network (SN), Near Earth Network (NEN) (already known as the Ground Network or GN), and the Deep Space Network (DSN), under one Management and Systems Engineering umbrella. It was set up in 2006. It was already known as the Space Communications and Data Systems (SCDS). These offices, roughly 120 longitude degrees separated on Earth, give constant scope and following to profound space missions. Every intricate incorporates one 70-meter receiving wire and various 34-meter radio wires. These radio wires might be utilized independently or in mix (reception apparatus exhibiting) to meet each space mission's interchanges prerequisites. A huge bit of profound space interchanges look into addresses correspondences framework designing, radios, reception apparatuses, transmitters, flag finders, balance strategies, channel coding hypothesis, information pressure, and re-enactment.

  • Track 10-1History and Services
  • Track 10-2Communications schemes

The development of less invasive monitoring and treatment methods for common diseases has also improved patient mobility. Innovations have allowed at-home patient monitoring, minimizing patient trips to the hospital and saving valuable hospital space. The continuous monitoring of patient data at home improves compliance by operating independently of the patient’s efforts. For example, there are now implantable devices that monitor glucose levels without a patient having to puncture themselves with needles several times a day. The resulting data can be transmitted to a networked computer in the patient’s home, allowing a health care professional to monitor the patient data without the patient having to set foot in a hospital.

  • Track 11-1Bluetooth devices
  • Track 11-2Laser Treatments
  • Track 11-3Cardiac Pacemakers
  • Track 11-4Deep Brain Neurostimulator
  • Track 11-5Cochlear Implants

Over the previous decade, remote systems have been vital to altering access to innovation. From the workplace to the home, a remote network for most registering gadgets is normal. Be that as it may, the interest of remote network stretches out past these common situations. Progressively, clients and makers in physical security, medicinal services, armada administration, retail, mechanical computerization, and different organizations try to enhance the estimation of their items and administrations by including untethered system network. 

  • Track 12-1Security Codes
  • Track 12-2Online Tracking Systems
  • Track 12-3GPS
  • Track 12-4Finger print Technology
  • Track 12-5Remote Sensors

Four generations of cellular communication systems have been adopted in the USA with each new mobile system generation emerging every 10 years or so since the 1980s: first generation analog FM cellular systems in 1981; second generation digital technology in 1992, 3G in 2001, and 4G LTE-A. Existing base station designs must service different bands with different cell sites, where each site has multiple base stations (one for each frequency or technology usage e.g. third generation (3G), fourth generation (4G), and Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A). To procure new spectrum, it can take a decade of legal formalities through the regulatory bodies such as International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). When the spectrum is finally licensed, incumbent users must be moved off the spectrum, causing further delays and increasing costs (5G).

  • Track 13-15G and next generation concepts
  • Track 13-2Wireless communication

Remote correspondence is the exchange of data over a separation without the utilization of wires. Remote correspondence is, for the most part, viewed as a part of broadcast communications. Remote tasks allow administrations, for example, long-run interchanges that are unimaginable or unfeasible to actualize utilizing wires. Remote correspondence conveys major changes to information systems administration and broadcast communications and makes incorporated systems a reality. Remote systems center on systems administration and client perspectives. System engineering for individual correspondence frameworks, remote LANs, radio, strategic and different remote systems and outline and examination of conventions are tended to all the time. At present, the significant utilization of Wi-Fi usage in libraries is constrained to data administration. This paper explains the Wi-Fi in insight about the parts, capacities, and the territory of uses, issues, and difficulties.

  • Track 14-1Software access
  • Track 14-2Digital Archives
  • Track 14-3Digital Preservation
  • Track 14-4Mobile Library

Satellite internet is a form of high-speed internet service that utilizes telecommunications satellites in Earth orbit to provide Internet access to consumers. This type of internet service covers areas where DSL and cable access is unavailable, though it offers less network bandwidth compared to DSL or cable, however. In addition, the long delays required to transmit data between the satellite and the ground stations tend to create high network latency, causing a sluggish performance experience in some cases. Network applications like VPN and online gaming may not function properly over satellite Internet connections due to these latency issues.

  • Track 15-1Satellite internet gateways
  • Track 15-2Signal Latency
  • Track 15-3Efficiency and Portability
  • Track 15-4Two way mode of communication
  • Track 15-5Satellite Phone

A transaction protocol is defined to provide the services necessary for interactive "browsing" (request/response) applications. During a browsing session, the client requests information from a server, which may be fixed or mobile, and the server responds with the information. The request/response duo is referred to as a "transaction" in this document. The objective of the protocol is to reliably deliver the transaction while balancing the amount of reliability required for the application with the cost of delivering the reliability. WTP runs on top a datagram service and optionally a security service. WTP has been defined as a lightweight transaction oriented protocol that is suitable for implementation in "thin" clients (mobile stations) and operates efficiently over wireless datagram networks. The benefits of using WTP include: 

  • Track 16-1Unreliable One-Way Request
  • Track 16-2Reliable One-Way Request
  • Track 16-3Reliable Two-Way request

The need for security on any network is apparent: the prevention of eavesdropping and the desire for authentication has been the main focus of many network administrators. However, the problems that already exist are added to when you add wireless networking to the equation. As wireless networking becomes more popular, the flawed security of most of those networks becomes more apparent. Several organizations have devised ways to secure their wireless networks from intruders. However, there is currently no wireless security implementation that everyone agrees is always suitable, regardless of what network it is to be used on. Some implementations are satisfactory for some environments, and there is work underway to create future solutions. Meanwhile, some wireless users make the situation more difficult as they advertise existing vulnerable networks.

  • Track 17-1Authentication Problem
  • Track 17-2Copyright issues
  • Track 17-3IP address Conflict

Usage of wireless technology from simple house hold devices to satellites has definitely influenced the 21st century human being. This phenomenon has given in to various implcations on the environment, human health, secerecy and privacy of the individuals. The merits and demerits on the topic are never ending intrests of conlifcts. Yet the the dicussion to seek an equlibrium and resolve issues is undeniable.

  • Track 18-1Wireless technology in Application software by API
  • Track 18-2WLAN, WIFI, Hotspot, MBARI and Personal Data Assistant
  • Track 18-3Wireless technology in Defense and security
  • Track 18-4Wireless Technology Vs Human body
  • Track 18-5Wireless tech vs Environment